
What is Research?

Research is a collection of facts, figures and details about a specific topic. There are four different types of research, these are called primary, secondary, qualitative and quantitative research.

Primary Research

Primary Research is information that could be found through surveys, interviews and observations you conduct yourself. Primary Research is good because you can get feedback from the target audience, however it tends to be more time consuming.

Secondary Research

Secondary Research is information found that already exists from another source. Although this is quicker to find it might be a biased source or could also be giving out false facts.

Market Research

Market Research is the activity of gathering information about target markets and customers. It is a very important business strategy to maintain competitiveness. USP (unique selling point). 


Copyright- Copyright is the protection of original literacy, music and artistic works. This allows origional work to be owned by the person who created it.


Ethics are moral principles that govern a persons behaviour, a set of ethics leads to a code of conduct that people adhere to.


Is the use of offensive words, blasphemy is when the words you use could be offensive or harmful.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research is the collection of non-numeric data.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research is gathering data of statistics and figures.

3 Contrasting Videos

I think that out of the three videos this is the best one, this is because it is extremely good camera quality, it includes 12 different shots, information about why the shots are used and where and how close they should be taken from. The video is the longest out of the three. However, I still think its an easy watch as it full of simple, not complicated information that is straight-forward to understand.   

This video is the second best because, it still includes good information that is quite helpful when it comes to a viewer that is interested in starting to try different camera angles. The video includes captions telling the viewer what type of shot it is and what different lenses can be used for the same shot. The quality of the video isn't awful its still quite good but its not as good as the first video which is why I placed it in second place.

This video is the worst one because it is completely misleading by the click-baited thumbnail. It is unoriginal content that doesn't say how to take photos 'like a professional' at all. The views are low and there is neither any likes or dislikes. The video is useless to someone who wants to learn about how to take photos from different angles.

Practice 'How to Video'

In my practice how to video I filmed it from a high angle/birds eye view. The video has very simple editing, no text but does include a voice-over. If I was to do another draft I think that I would possibly add text and make it more appealing to a viewer. However the video is quite easy to watch for someone that the video may be targeted towards as it is only 1 minute long and does retrace the steps towards the end. Since my final how to video was based on camera angles I feel as if I should've included a variety of angles.

Bracknell &
Wokingham College
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