
Lesson 23-09-21

In this lesson we were given clips of a rock climber and we were told to create a montage in however way we wanted to. I decided to merge his interview clips and videos of him rock-climbing to learn how to separate video and audio and how to use an audio from one clip and add it to another.

How to Zoom

In this lesson we were taught how to use keyframes in Adobe Premier Pro to zoom in and out of a picture. This can be a very useful skill to use when editing our own videos in the future. Using the effect controls I am able to zoom into the record button and back out and then back to see the microphones more closely.

After Effects


In this lesson we learned how to make a short title sequence on Adobe After Effects. We animated the Batman logo to zoom in, we filtered with the opacity and the rotation. We also created a different type of title sequence using text and adding shadows on images. Learning how to move text from all different angles


In the lesson after the one that we learnt how to create a short title sequence, we learnt how to to the same kind of this but with different types of text, sound effects and transitions of the words moving into the frame. This could be useful when trying to make intros and possibly outros for future videos.
Bracknell &
Wokingham College
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