
Lighting Set-Up

Lighting is super important, it can determine the mood of the scene as well as the quality. It indicate to the audience where to look, the genre of a film and 

Cinematic Lighting

We learned about three point lighting. The main lighting opponent is called the 'key light' it should be the strongest source of light. This should be placed at a 45° angle to the camera. 

The second light is named a 'fill light' it should be placed on the other side of the actor to weaken any harsh shadows caused from the key light.

The final light is the back light is placed behind the subject to highlight and define their features and outlines.

Putting into practice

In our lesson we put what we had learnt into practice, we learnt how the lighting system works and used three point lighting on each other. We also used photography gels to create different coloured lighting. The lights are quite hot so you have to be careful not to put the gels too close because they will melt.

Bracknell &
Wokingham College
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