
Draft 1

My draft 1 I was happy with, I knew there could be a bit to improve on so I asked my teacher for any feedback. He said: 

  1. I really like the intro music that you used, I think it might work if you use this throughout your video but mixed up and down so that it doesn't overpower your voiceover. This will also help to disguise the slight amount of background noise which is present on your voiceover and also make the freeze frames feel less 'empty'.
  2. Unfortunately there is a bit of wind noise on your opening section, this can't be removed. We will be looking at more advanced audio recording techniques in future units which will help with this.
  3. Where you do your freeze frames eg. at 40 secs, it would be great to do the subtle fake zoom that you did with the shot of Neve at 1'41, this stops these shots becoming too static (this is minor improvement)
  4. Your video seems to end a little suddenly? Some kind of ending might help.....

So for my final video I took these comments into consideration and decided that it looked better with the comments applied to the video, I extended the sound to play subtly through the whole video, I also created a short end montage to end the video, When the still images were shown I did a fake zoom which made the time seem to go quicker.

Editing of my how to video

My Final How to Video

I have created a how to video displaying how to use different camera angles. This video is useful for anyone wanting to expand on their photography skills. Our first project was to plan and create a 'How to Video', we got given four options that we could do it on those included:

  • How to set up a Camera and Tripod
  • How to use lighting in a video
  • How to take photos from different camera angles
  • How to record sound

I decided to do my video on How to take photos from different camera angles, this option appealed to me as it seemed that I could have fun with it as I didn't have to film in one area like a studio. It was quite a popular option in the class, but everyones should be unique.

Once I had chose my video subject, I could start planning towards the time to start filming. I already had a rough idea of what I wanted to include in my video from watching three contrasting videos varying from good to bad. This made it clear of what I wanted my video to look like. I found it easy to choose my location as the one that I chose (South Hill Park) was close to home and also quite visually pleasing to see in person and on video. I was going to use natural lighting, and the sound quality might sound a bit windy but only at the start as the rest is going to be a voiceover taken from inside college.

The filming process was very straight-forward, I filmed it all on my phone and when showing a video of me taking a photo I would be using Caitlin's phone, I also used screen recordings of the photo or video being taken and took some extra camera footage of the surrounding area which I included in my montage near the start of the video. I took these extra clips incase I had any gaps of silence that needed to be filled with some kind of footage.

I edited all my work on Adobe Premier Pro which is amazing and uncomplicated when it comes towards basic editing, however, if you were more advanced you can use it a lot more professionally. The original editing process of just cutting the videos to the length I wanted and creating the montage only took around an hour to complete. Then over the next following days in college I added the voiceover and text on what the camera angle is called.

I think the final outcome came out really good and I am proud of the final result. The quality from filming on my phone still remained pretty clear even after exporting the video to youtube. If I could change anything for next time it would be to change my voiceover slightly to not make it seem rushed but other than that I quite like my final video.

Bracknell &
Wokingham College
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